
Monday, October 20, 2008

Ace Paint and Ace Hardware

Ace Paint and Ace Branded Local Newspaper Advertising
1. 50% reimbursement when using Ace ad slicks
2. All Ace Paint Best Buy advertising reimbursed at 50% or retailer’s regular program rate.
3. CYL paint store? (Color Your Life) 75% reimbursement

CO-OP DOLLARS AVAILABLE – based on last year’s purchases for Ace Paint and ACE Branded product There is a total co-op figure for ACE paint and one for ACE branded products.

1. Get the co-op authorization letter signed and get the ACE vendor #. Fax to Janie Pace at 817 390-7109 – I’ll find out how much co-op they have to spend in local advertising!
2. ACE Paint and ACE Branded ads available at

Google above at for local dealers. Co-op expires 12-31-08!

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