
Friday, December 04, 2009

Find co-op for the 1st Quarter!

Scout out co-op plans that are based on prior year purchase to find co-op opportunities available to you for the first quarter of the new year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Friday, August 07, 2009

Aveda Concept Salons

Aveda Co-op – 50% co-op reimbursement program for Concept Salons & Lifestyle Salons
-CO-OP EXPIRES 06-30-10
1. Aveda does have a co-op program that is administered by the distributor (Neill Corp - Hammond, LA)
2. Kathy McDonald at Aveda said that only Concept and Lifestyle Salons qualify for co-op advertising. Salons must have a marketing plan in place arranged with the Aveda Distributor/ Sales Rep. Prior approval is required for all advertising.
3. Ads must be exclusively Aveda – unaltered Aveda ad slicks must be used (note expiration dates – do not use any ad past the expiration date – subject to usage right laws with photographer/models.) Any ad changes must be submitted to Aveda for written prior approval.
4. Order Aveda ad materials on line through the Professional connections web site. The salon should have a log on and password to access the site. The color or black & white ads are located by clicking the Marketing Library tab. - search for local concept Aveda salons.

Monday, July 13, 2009

W. R, Case Knives

W. R. Case & Sons Cutlery – cutlery, pocket and sporting knives, scissors and shears, sharpeners and accessories - 50% co-op reimbursement program, 3% accruals based on prior year purchases.
To research co-op dollars for Case Cutlery– get the co-op authorization letter signed and the vendor number.
Prior written approval for all dealer prepared ads. Allow 2 weeks for approval. If not using mfr ad materials Case must be the only knife mfr advertised; If other products are in the ad, Case must occupy 25% of ad; product illustration; logo; product brand name.

Google: for local dealers

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Nikon Cameras

Co-op for Nikon Cameras - 100% program. Accruals 3%.

1. Get the co-op authorization letter signed and the vendor #.

2. Co-op dollars are based on past year purchases beginning 04-01-08. Co-op expires 06/30/09. Form of reimbursement: Credit vouchers – expire 90 days from issue date.

3. Ads elements are available on

4. See the photography list for additional brands with good co-op programs.

Google for dealers.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Citizen's Watches

Citizen Watches – 50% co-op reimbursement program, 4% accruals; Champion Dealers – 100% program, 5% accruals

To research co-op dollars for Citizen Watches – get the co-op authorization letter signed and the vendor number.

See the jewelry list attached for more brands

Ads available in

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Benjamin Moore Paint Co-op

Benjamin Moore Paint – 50% co-op reimbursement program

Co-op $$$ are available now – because accruals are based on prior year purchases.
To research co-op dollars for Benjamin Moore Paint – get the co-op authorization letter signed and the vendor number.
Last year, one of these retailers had over $28,000 in Benjamin Moore Co-op!
Ads available!! See
 Aura ads- only mfr produced & supplied creative is eligible for 75%

Co-op available for online advertising for cubes and banners!
Benjamin Moore logo, Benjamin Moore product featured, Minimum 10 words of descriptive or promotional copy. If Benjamin Moore is only paint manufacturer featured, reimbursed 100% up to a maximum of $2,000/yr.; If other paint manufacturers featured, reimbursed 50% up to a maximum of $1,000/yr.; Hardware, software & phone lines do not qualify for reimbursement; Make no claims Benjamin Moore does not make; No prices below Minimum Advertised Price(MAP)

Yahoo Search at for local dealers.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kioti Tractors

Kioti Tractors – 50% co-op reimbursement program

1. Co-op $$$ are available now – because accruals are based on prior year purchases.

2. To research co-op dollars for Kioti– get the co-op authorization letter signed and the vendor number.

3. See the farming co-op list with more co-op plans.

Google here at for local retailers.

Dixon ZTR Riding Lawn Mowers

Dixon ZTR Riding Lawn Mowers – co-op expires 8-31-09!!
7.5% accruals – 50% co-op reimbursement program. If they’ve bought $100,000 in product, for example, he has $7500 in co-op!

1. To research co-op dollars for Dixon – get the co-op authorization letter signed and the vendor number.

2. Only authorized dealers qualify for the co-op program – dealers must renew program annually and pay $125 participation fee to be eligible. Pre-enrollment by the dealer is required!

3. See the lawn & garden list for more brands.

4. Mfr has no specs regarding advertising on the internet at this time; Submit advertising content and applicable cost to receive prior approval; Internet advertising is handled on a case by case basis; Contact mfr for details.

(Sell print before they have a chance to buy billboard advertising – that reimburses at 75%) Gear up now for Spring in the South!

Google here at for local retailers.

Altadis Cigars

Altadis USA-Cigars brands like Don Diego, H. Upmann, Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, Te-Amo, and others- 50% co-op reimbursement program.

1. Co-op $$$ are available now – because accruals are based on prior year purchases. See ad slicks available from attached. (Must contain surgeon general’s warning!)
2. Easy - just get the co-op authorization letter signed and the vendor number- if they bought product last year – we’ll find co-op!
3. Altadis also reimburses for online co-op when you use the surgeon general’s warning (a co-op requirement!)

Expires 12-31!

Google here at for local retailers.

This is the surgeon’s general’s warning!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Andersen Windows

Andersen Windows – 50% co-op reimbursement program, .5%-1.5% accruals based on prior year purchases!

Co-op $$$ are available now – because accruals are based on prior year purchases.
To research co-op dollars for Andersen Windows – get the co-op authorization letter signed and the vendor number. Find out how much they purchased in Andersen Windows last year.
See the building materials co-op list attached with more co-op plans.
Ad slicks are available on

*Sell 360 degree tour on-line!

Google here at for local dealers.

Vetter Windows

Vetter Windows - 50% co-op reimbursement program -
1% accruals based on prior year purchases for Authorized dealers (distributor)

1. Get the co-op authorization letter signed and the vendor #. Do they buy direct or through a distributor?

2. What other brands of windows and doors have co-op programs? See the list attached.

3. Ads available at

4. INTERNET ADVERTISING - Mfr has no specs regarding advertising on the Internet at this time; Submit advertising content and applicable cost to receive prior approval; Internet advertising is handled on a case by case basis; Contact mfr for details; Logo; Logo must be 3/4'; Product description; Link to mfr website (; Up to $500 can be submitted.

Google here at for local retailers.

Velux Sky Windows

Velux-America – sky lights, sun tunnels, roof windows –
100% co-op reimbursement program, 1% accruals –

Co-op $$$ are available now – because accruals are based on prior year purchases. So co-op is available now!

To research co-op dollars for Velux-America – get the co-op authorization letter signed and the vendor number.

See the building list for more brands.

Logos available at

Google here at for local dealers.

Hurd MIllwork Co

Hurd Millwork Co, Inc. – 50% co-op reimbursement program (windows & patio doors)

1. Co-op $$$ are available to the distributor now – because accruals are based on prior year purchases.

2. Hurd Millwork Co. will pay 50% based on a straight 1% of Hurd product purchases prior year. Retail dealer must contact distributor for all co-op information.

3. Use mfr ad materials with appropriate disclaimer listings- see plan.

4. Ad materials are available on

Google at for local retailers.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Carhartt Work Wear

Co-op for Carhartt, Inc, - 50% co-op reimbursement program for work clothes and outdoor wear – 100% program for special promotion – 2% accruals based on prior year purchases for retailers

1. Get the co-op authorization letter signed and the vendor number.

2. Several ads available on Product illustration and logo – price may not be lower than the minimum advertised price for co-op. Only regular 1st quality products qualify for co-op. Get ads pre-approved at

3. Ask for a list of additional sporting goods and sportswear with good co-op programs.

Targeting co-op brands based on prior year purchases!

Targeting brands with good co-op programs is always key to finding co-op dollars! Even more important is targeting brands with co-op dollars available in the 1st quarter of the new year when purchases are slow to get started. The Co-op Queen's secret is targeting brands with accruals based on prior year purchases - so co-op dollars are available right NOW or as soon as the mfr can run the new numbers! You and your retailer can run a good guestimate -- Red Wing Shoes & Boots -- figure 2% of his prior year purchases! It's Easy! Now he's ready to run co-op ads in Rodeo/Sports sections!

Also target co-op plan expiration dates that are other than 12-31. Look at the plans now for example that expire 4-30, 5-31 and 6-30!

Rolling and quarterly plans are also great to target right now! These plans have on-going co-op available - plan an annual program with these brands!

It's SO important right now to help the small MOM-POP shops work their co-op and promote their business! If we don't - we'll have Walmart, Home Depot, and Kohl's and that's it!

One in four small businesses are predicted to fail this year. Let's target those business NOW - and help work their co-op for them!

Most brands will support online advertising if you just submit an advertising proposal along with the print program. The media just needs to be approved.

Good luck! Let's gear up for 2009!

Denon Electronics!

Denon Electronics - co-op expires 3-31-09!

Two 6-month period accruals 4/1 to 9/30 and 10/1 to 3/31!!

To research co-op dollars for Denon Elctronics - get the co-op authorization letter signed and the vendor number. Use model numbers of all products advertised even if only 1 picture is used to represent a product category. No price except suggested list price. See plan for more details. See the electronics list for more brands.

Google for find your dealers.